Wizards and Relics


2 in stock



It takes under an hour to play. Your cards become the fighting units that conquer and control territories. Since you’re a God you decide whether to send defeated cards to the heaven discard pile or the Hell discard pile! the discard piles sit on a scale that measures how many defeated enemies have been sent to heaven or Hell. Tip the scales and open the gates of Hell or heaven. You get Victory points from each territory you control at the end of your turn plus bonus points from angel and demon cards. The player with the most Victory points at the end wins

An accessible dueling card game of Wizardry, Mystery and Magic.

Choose A Mighty Wizard, Wield an Ancient Relic! Battle your rivals! Begin your quest toward the Hall of Immortality!

You have entered Relzaria, a land where magic flows through everything!

In this world, wizards of all sorts battle one another for a seat in the Hall of Immortality.

These mighty wizards wield ancient and powerful relics to amplify their magical prowess.

In Wizards & Relics, you must defeat your rivals by secretly laying down a wizard and a relic. Players have decks of 30 cards that consist of Wizards AND relics. Each round is unique, as there are archaic ruins called Shrines, that give magical boosts / bonus’ to certain wizards.

An accessible dueling card game of Wizardry, Mystery and Magic.

Choose A Mighty Wizard, Wield an Ancient Relic! Battle your rivals! Begin your quest toward the Hall of Immortality!

You have entered Relzaria, a land where magic flows through everything!

In this world, wizards of all sorts battle one another for a seat in the Hall of Immortality.

These mighty wizards wield ancient and powerful relics to amplify their magical prowess.

In Wizards & Relics, you must defeat your rivals by secretly laying down a wizard and a relic. Players have decks of 30 cards that consist of Wizards AND relics. Each round is unique, as there are archaic ruins called Shrines, that give magical boosts / bonus’ to certain wizards.


  • multiplayer dual card game
  • expandable 
  • fast paced
  • easy going & accessible for all
  • inter-generational
  • optional drafting & deck building
  • created to bridge the gap between casual and strategic players!


  • 60 Wizard cards (20 red / 20 green / 20 blue)
  • 60 Relic cards
  • 24 Shrine cards
  • 12 +1 / +3 Tokens
  • 4 Friends
  • 1 Map

Ages: 14+